About Us

We build innovative digital tech products

How It Started

iSun was founded in 2018 in Zug, Switzerland.

We're known for pioneering the way digital business solutions are built. Our scope includes strategy, design, frontend, backend and even marketing. If it is possible, iSun can do it.

The Way We Work


Our success is determined by the fact that we value our partners and put their needs and wants first. We are reliable, and always make sure that our partners get the best deal possible.


We understand that you value quality far more than anything else. We are determined to provide the best for our partners, their customers, as well as our own employees.


We are dedicated to grow, whether it is our business or yours. Progress and development are what marks every successful business, and we are ready to meet it head-on.

Our Philosophy


We rise to meet each new challenge and enjoy finding a perfect solution for our customers' needs.


Our team is hardworking, capable, and skilled in providing the most efficient solutions for each new project, which helps us become better and always satisfy our clients' wishes.

Innovation seekers

We believe that innovation is the key to resolving new problems and difficulties. This is why we strive to observe each new problem from different perspectives, in search of the best approach.


Modern problems require modern solutions, and our mission is to find them and deliver them to you no matter what.

Improvement and evolution

With the technology itself constantly advancing, we always stay on top. Constantly learning new things gives us the edge, as well as better solutions for our clients.


We don't believe in cutting corners; instead, we will go above and beyond in order to deliver the best quality solutions.

We care about your business

Interested in working together towards your business success? Leave us Your email to get contacted.

When Clients Become Partners

We empower the companies behind fintech industries with our digital solutions